Schedule E - Person/s Collecting/ Accepting Contributions in Aggregate of $3,000 or more
In some cases, a political committee may be required to provide information about a person who collects or accepts contributions on behalf of the committee.
This information is required if a person other than the candidate, committee officers or employees, or a person authorized by the committee to accept
contributions takes in an aggregate of $3,000 or more from at least 5 persons.
This does not apply to an entity used for processing financial contributions by credit card or other means.
The requirement also applies only if the collections take place outside the presence of the candidate or a committee sanctioned or coordinated fundraising
Entering Bundlers to a Report – Schedule E
1. Enter the name and complete mailing address of each Bundler as an Entity.
2. On the Home Page, click on the Bundlers icon .
3. On the bottom of the page, in the Name field, type the last name of the bundler, click on the bundler's name once it appears.
4. In the “Report Type” field, select the Quarterly report that applies.
5. Click Save. The name appears in a list at the top of the page. This also generates a Schedule E attached to the selected report..
6. The Clear Form button resets the content of the fields so you may enter a new Bundler. It does not delete any data you have
Modifying a Bundler
1. Click on the Bundlers icon .
2. Click on the name of the Bundler you want to change. The name and the report should appear in the fields in the box below.
3. Perform the changes to either the Bundler’s name or Report type on the bottom of the page. Click Save. The new information will be listed in
the window above and on Schedule E of the selected Report.
4. The Clear Form button resets the content of the fields so you may enter a new Bundler. It does not delete any data you
have entered.
Deleting a Bundler
1. Click on the Bundlers icon .
2. Click on the name of the Bundler you want to delete.
3. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen. NOTE: you may also click Edit in the op menu, Click Delete Bundler..
4. Click Delete on the confirmation page. The name is removed from the list and the report.